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Higgs Parts

Lite Weigh Trailer Load Light Gauge

Lite Weigh Trailer Load Light Gauge

Regular price $849.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $849.00 USD
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LED Weight Indicator for Truck and Trailers.

Three color LED light that will increasingly change colors as your load weighs down your truck or trailer. Watch the light change from green to yellow to red as the load increases to show the weight of your truck or trailer. 

Simply set the light by pushing a button with your empty weight and then set again with your full weight, and the system is calibrated. When the light reaches the top to show all red, you've reached your maximum weight of whatever you set.

No need to honk the horn or wave your hands, your loader can see your load filling up with their own eyes.  This saves time as the loader is not slowing up to wait for you to tell him when your full, he can see the light rising to the top and knows when to start slowing down himself.  It also saves time by not having to go back and dump some product off because you're too heavy, and saves money because you won't be leaving underweight either!

Use one in rear of trailers and one in front that is hooked to truck suspension to know exactly where your load is laying inside your trailer. When rear light is full, next load needs to go a little more toward the front, and vice versa. This saves wear and tear on trucks and trailers being loaded too heavy in one area and allows for a more spread out load, while also being legal and not having to worry about an overweight ticket.


Custom colors and sequencing available upon request with orders of two or more. 

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